Monday, July 16, 2007

Winter Time, Victorian Style

Most Malaysians identify winter with snow and icy weather. Well, in many European and North American countries, that's how winter is .

But not here in Victoria. Yes, it's still freezing cold, especially at night and early in the morning but the temperature hardly ever drops below zero degree. My cousin told me there were a few times when the temperature did dip that low but that happened 20 or 30 years ago.

Of course, there is snow in the mountains but you actually have to travel there to experience snow. So that doesn't really count.

Back to my first winter experience in Melbourne - I don't mind the cold all that much. It FEELS like winter but minus the hazards that come with snow. I can't imagine driving when it's snowing! My driving skills are not that up to mark and it's better to drive in more familiar conditions. Even the foggy windscreen in the morning is already proving to be a challenge to me. I shudder to think if I have to drive on slippery roads covered with snow! I'll probably end up doing time at the Box Hill hospital with broken limbs.

One more thing - a sunny day in winter maybe sunny but it can also be freezing at the same time. I mean, it looks awfully warm outside if you're looking out from the inside of your house but once you step outside, you feel as if you've stepped into a freezer!

No wonder I see people in the movies wearing such thick clothing with the sun shining brightly above them and they don't get sweaty at all. Back in Malaysia, you would've had a heat stroke dressed like that!

Having experienced much cooler temperatures here, I don't know if I can ever get used to the hot and humid weather back in Malaysia again.

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