Thursday, September 13, 2007


For years, we Malaysians thought Malaysia was the safest country on the planet, spared from all kinds of scary natural calamities except the occasional floods. We didn't have hurricanes (only tropical thunder storms), tonadoes, volcanoes and earthquakes. Well, once in a blue moon we might feel a slight tremor when a major earthquake struck somewhere in Sumatera.

But things changed after an undersea earthquake hit somewhere near Sumatera on 26 December 2004, triggering tsunamis along coastal areas in South Asia and claiming nearly 230,000 lives. Malaysia was not spared. We lost 50 people in the disaster.

Alex, the kids and I were actually along Gurney Drive in Penang moments after the tsunami struck. The sea was black and choppy and as we drove past the beach, a big wave washed over the barrier and over our car! Well, that was a big shock and people who had been staring into the sea earlier ran helter skelter. We were stunned but unharmed and managed to drive to the hotel we were supposed to stay. At that time, we still didn't know what had actually happened. It was only later in the day that we heard about the earthquake and the subsequent tsunamis.

Tsunami in Malaysia - that was a first. And many people felt the tremors that came after the earthquake too. Since then, Malaysia seems to be experiencing more tremors than ever before. Yesterday was the latest addition. Many people panicked and feared another tsunami, though this time the authorities seemed more prepared for it. I wasn't there but I read about the incident.

But something else bugs me. Does the increasing frequency of tremors felt in West Malaysia mean that the tectonic plates are moving closer towards the peninsular? Does it mean that seismic activities have shifted towards us? If so, will there actually be an earthquake in Malaysia some day?

Scary thought. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. For Malaysia is definitely not prepared for such a catastrophe. We have no experience and our buildings are certainly not going to withstand any violent shaking. And we have some of the tallest buildings in the world!

I suppose the only thing we can do is pray that it never happens.


anfield devotee said...

You damn right bout that. Buildings here collapse without any ground movement as it is, thanks to the wonderful cost cutting (& into politicos pockets) measures that go on everywhere.
Highland Towers taught us nothing . . .

weiyin69 said...

i know, that's why it's damn scary!