Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Joshua has been very excited about Father's Day. (Yes, it's Father's Day in Australia though most of the rest of the world celebrates the ocassion in June.) He'd bought something special and made a very nice card for his dad. But he was a little shy when I pressed him to give his dad the goodies he's got for his old man.

I had to "accompany" him to spring the surprise on Alex. He was beaming when his dad happily took the card. Joanne too started floating around after she presented him the gift. There were kisses and hugs and lots of happy faces. But Joshua was a little disappointed Alex didnt' open the gift immediately. You see, on this big day, Alex had to go out and meet his colleagues over something.

Well, at least the kids are starting to feel a closer bond with their father. They still won't go hug him for no reason like they do me but there has been some improvement. I keep telling Alex the easiest way to get their attention is to play rough with them. All kids love that, within limits, of course. And Alex has been doing that on weekends when he's home, sometimes even without my asking him to do so.

Maybe there's still hope for this dad. I long for the day when I'll be able to go out on my own without the kids whining about being left at home with their dad. That will be a great treat for me on next Mother's Day! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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