Friday, August 03, 2007

Fighting Over Nothing

Kids being kids, they often fight over the same toys. Strangely, they must have the same thing. I mean no one would take note of one particular toy until one of them notices it and starts playing with it. Then the other kid, for some inexplicable reason, must have the same thing as well. A tussle will follow, sometimes quite violently too.

That's pretty normal. I had my shares of such fights with my sisters when I was kid too. What is not so common, however, is seeing kids fighting over something that's not even there!

Joshua and Joanne do that a lot and they drive me completely insane whenever they are at it. You see, one of them will pretend to be having an imaginary toy and have a blast playing with it. The other one, curious, would want to know what it is. If the former refuses to tell the latter what it is or share it, the two of them will start shoving each other.

I mean, for crying out loud, it's a PRETEND toy. You can't see, feel or touch it. And yet, the two little devils can fight over it. And they fight, literally. Mike Tyson would have been proud!

Too imaginative, too creative. Maybe I should look at the bright side and hope my kids will put their imagination and creativity to good use someday.

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