Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Alex has a very strange habit. He loves watching movies. But he can happily stop the movie halfway, or even with only 10 minutes left for that matter, to take a nap, read a magazine in the loo, or worse, swap DVDs!

I don't understand this at all. At one time, quite a few years back in fact, he was watching Meet Joe Black starring Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins. He got sleepy towards the end. Having seen the movie prior, I told him there were only a few minutes left and that he should just finish watching it. But no, Mr Sleepy Head couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and decided to abandon the movie. The next day, a thief broke into his apartment and stole a few items, including the Meet Joe Black VCD! And no, till today Alex never saw the ending of the story.

That incident didn't teach him the joy or importance of watching a movie from the start to the end within one sitting, though. He still "breaks" his movies, all the time. Most annoying. And last night, we rented The Wickerman with Nicholas Cage in the lead role. I no longer have a stomach for horror movies and simply loathe watching a scary show all by myself, especially at night. So I was glad to have a partner watching with me.

I should've known. At 10.30pm, he started yawning and we were only half way through the movie. I wasn't that keen on the movie at first but slowly got hooked and I wanted to know what happened next. But Alex loudly excused himself, leaving me alone with The Wickerman. Truth be told, it wasn't that scary but I was just too chicken to watch it without another person next to me. So I abandoned it as well.

No more horror flicks for me. Waste of time and kills the fun if I have to watch it with the only other adult in the house!


anfield devotee said...

Wonder how many sittings he would take fer Godfather trilogy . . . or is he still in the process of finsihing it?

weiyin69 said...

err, he's never bothered with this one! ha ha. actually he should. lots of gore after all, his kind of stuff!

anfield devotee said...

Gore? Which version u watching la, aunty?

Most goldfish-type people I know complain its all talkie talkie . . .

weiyin69 said...

got shooting what! or was it the vivid description in the book that i read? ha ha. can't remember.