Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Double Bunk Bed

It's funny how kids can turn almost anything into a toy or in this case, a playground. Our newest purchase, a double bunk bed, arrived this morning. Well, it was still in various pieces but the minute the kids saw the boxes and the new mattresses, they were estactic.

Well, they saw how the bed would look like at the furniture shop. So they knew what awaited them once their dad fixed the whole thing up. But even while Alex and I were busy assembling it, Joshua and Joanne couldn't contain their excitement and kept interrupting us, until we banished them from the room.

Once their new bed was put up properly, they started climbing up and down the bunk bed. Not surprisingly, both wanted to sleep on the top bunk now. There's something about the top bunk, I guess. Probably because it reminded them of the playground. I certainly did when I was a kid.

To be fair, I told the kids they had to take turns sleeping on the top bunk. And to my surprise, they readily agreed. If only they are so agreeable with everything else!

I think it won't be hard to get them to sleep early tonight. I just hope whoever is occupying the top bunk will not end up on the floor in the morning!


anfield devotee said...

aaaaah . . . the top bunk. Pretended to be a sniper on a watchtower when I was a wee lad . . .

Bernard said...

We have a 'triple decker' @ home, ie. the bottom most one is a pull out type. Neither of my kids want the top bunk though as the way the air-con is set up in their room & between the top bunk & the ceiling, the top bunk is kinda warm. I should know as I tried sleeping there once in the afternoon & it was like a sauna.

weiyin69 said...

i loved the top bunk. really like a playground climbing up and down, although these days i'm not as agile as i once was!